On 7/11/2019, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) Bonn-Rhein-Sieg honoured 57 trainees and their companies for being “the Best of the Year” in City Hall Bad Godesberg. Our employee René Busse was honored with an exam score of 96%, as the “Best of the Year” in the profession of Industrial Mechanic. The prize was awarded by the Director of Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Hubertus Hille. We are proud of René Busse and his success.

As a 22-year-old employee in Walterscheid, René Busse began his training in industrial mechanic in our company from 10.08.2016, finished on 31.05.2019. Since 01.06.2019, he started working in the quality assurance department for customers relations. During his training, he was active in the junior company "ÜFA 34" as technical manager. He has also been working in the Youth Representation since November 2016. The next goal he set for himself is to finish the evening school course of Industrial Engineering from March.

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